Club Membership


Members have unrestricted access to the facility and may shoot during posted range hours. On the outdoor ranges this is generally 8 AM until the red range lights come on due to darkness.  Some ranges have lights and are open until 8 PM. The indoor range is open form 8 AM until 10 PM. The indoor range is limited to the firing of 22 cal. rim fire ammunition only.  The club is open year around. Members can use any of the ranges when they are not being utilized by a scheduled event and can bring guests to shoot with them.


Members are responsible to ensure that all members in their group adhere to the posted range rules. Members, Associate Members, and guests must wear ID while on the club grounds. All shooters and spectators must use eye and hearing protection when the range line is active. Rifle shooters are requested (but not required) to utilize the shooting barrels when shooting from the bench on the lower range to limit the noise for our neighbors and fellow shooters.

Dues and Fees

The club’s membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th.  Annual dues are currently $226 per year beginning with the July 1st, renewal year.  Discounts apply at membership renewal for certain members such as members age 62 and over and disabled Veterans.  Associate members' dues are $25 per year.

For individuals applying for membership, the annual dues amount is prorated throughout the membership year. In addition to the prorated dues amount, applicants pay a $125 membership initiation fee. Members of the applicant’s immediate family (spouse and any children under age 18 living in the household) may be signed up as “Associate” members at an additional $25 per individual. Associate members enjoy most of the benefits of membership but cannot hold office or vote.

New Member Information

To join our club click the link below:

 A limited number of memberships are available on a first come, first served basis.

Attendance at our club orientation is required before using the ranges. We will contact you by email to schedule your orientation. If you did not receive an email after registering, please check your spam folder.


If you have questions regarding membership, please contact the club Secretary