
(Scroll down for info about shoots)

Click on the month for a downloadable PDF calendar:

February (PDF)

March (PDF)

If the calendar shows an event is at a specific range, that range is unavailable during the event unless otherwise indicated on the event date or in the notes.  For some events, only half of the Short Range may be closed (i.e., the 50-yard side may be closed but the 10/25-yard side may remain open).

Monthly Shoot  / Discipline General Information

For each shoot, check the monthly calendar above for any specific requirements such as ammunition quantity, limitations on firearm type, size, optic restrictions, or other information.  

If the calendar shows an event is at a specific range, that range is unavailable during the event unless otherwise indicated on the event date or in the notes.  For some events, only half of the short range may be closed (i.e., the 50-yard side may be closed but the 10/25 yard side may remain open).  

Gate Code System for Events is Active

If you are a non-club member and interested in attending one of our shoots, please contact the discipline director (located below or on the contact information page).  All non-club members entering the club for our discipline shoot or other events will need to use a gate code for entry.  The code will be provided by the discipline director or other person in charge of the event.  This new policy will help keep the club more secure while still providing access as needed.  

Basic Defensive Pistol

Have you been interested in getting into action shooting sports but just don't know where to begin?  This shoot is the place.  With a mixture of learning and shooting, those interested in building a better understanding about equipment, preparation and ultimately going through courses of fire will have plenty of mentoring if needed.  

This discipline will help introduce shooters into what is needed for matches like IDPA, USPSA and our club's own Defensive Gunning, Night Shoot and 3 Gun matches.  Those simply looking for practice in shooting at multiple targets, movement, reloading and other important skills will benefit from this shoot.

For more information contact Kevin Galbraith.   

Enjoy the Shoots at the Club

Our shoots are a great way to meet fellow members and enjoy different shooting disciplines.  We have events for rifle, handguns, shotguns (some that mix all three), flying clays shoots (seasonally) with distances from short to long.  There is truly something for all shooters.  

Defender Pistol / .22 Rimfire & Centerfire

The purpose of the Defender Pistol matches is twofold.   First, to provide shooting situations which challenge the participant’s shooting skills and provide an opportunity for them to improve their skills in such areas as rapid target acquisition and shooting accuracy within time constraints.  The second part is to provide an opportunity for each shooter to have fun while shooting.


Both rimfire (indoor range) and centerfire (short range) shoots will normally be held each month.  The course of fire will be varied each month to maintain the interest of the participants and to prevent the shoots from becoming routine or uninteresting.  In addition, the type of targets will be varied in order to keep interest up.

The cost for the defender pistol shoots is $5 for members $10 for guests.

Contact Tim Brown for more details

Women's Shoot 

Another opportunity for women shooters to come to the range.  This shoot is open to all women shooters.  Emphasis is on safety, getting familiar with your handgun and improving.  The range location is seasonal, with shooting inside the .22 range for rimfire handguns only if needed during the colder months (lighting is available on the outdoor range as well) from late fall to early spring.  (Remember, associate member spouses are permitted to use the primary member's gate card for entry to the club.)  The cost for the shoot is $5 for members and $10 for guests.

Contact Sue Scully for more details

.22 Rimfire Steel Challenge 

In the .22 rimfire challenge game the shooter faces off with either a .22 rimfire handgun and/or a .22 rimfire rifle against five or more steel targets placed at various distances and heights.  Firearms can be semi-automatics, leaver actions, revolvers, etc. as long as they meet the requirements of the particular shoot.


The shooter attempts to place shots, as directed, on each target as quickly and accurately as they can.  Each shooter has 10 rounds to shoot at the steel targets where they attempt to place their shots as rapidly and accurately as possible.  The goal is to hit the targets as directed by the match director in the least amount of time with no misses.  Time penalties are charged for each target missed or for such things as shooting targets in the wrong order.  Each shooter goes through the first round of targets five times for a total of 50 rounds fired.  After all shooters have gone through the first target stage, they move to the second target stage and shoot those targets as directed, going through those targets five times for another 50 rounds fired.  At the conclusion of each stage the shooter is allowed to toss out his/her worst time and then record the sum of his/her best four times for score for the stage. The cost for the defender pistol shoots is $5 for members $10 for guests.

Contact Tim Brown for more information

Armed Women of America

Armed Women of America helps to educate, empower and equip women shooters about self defense topics including firearms and beyond.  This is a nationwide organization that Four Corners hosts each month.  

There is a presentation each monthly session with range time following most months of the year.  New shooters are welcome.  The group offers support and assistance with firearm selection, training, equipment selection and more.  TWAW is women lead and has nearly 400 chapters across the country.  

Contact Lissa Funk for more information

3 - Gun Shoot

3-Gun is one of the most popular shooting matches in the country today, as well as at Four Corners.  If you want to move and shoot while using rifle/pistol/shotgun you are going to like this one.  These matches will test your shooting skills, shooting under pressure, around walls, barrels and other props the match director comes up with.  

These matches are for the intermediate to advanced level shooter; we are very safety oriented and require shooters to know the NRA safety rules and have a good understanding of how to operate all three guns needed for this match.  These matches are a great way to develop some tactical shooting skills and are a lot of fun.

We require all shooters to pre-register for these matches, since we have limited space and need to keep these at no more than 25 shooters.  See information on calendar for specific equipment and ammunition needed for each month's match.  General needed equipment includes holsters, magazines and pouches and something to hold shotgun shells.

The cost for this shoot is $5 for members $10 for guests.


Contact Rick Reitz or Ron Sohn for more details and to register for a match.

Defensive Gunning

This shoot focus on using firearms in defensive situation.  Matches are for handguns and pistol caliber carbines (shooter use one or the other, not both) similar to 3-gun shoots.  Shooters can run optics or open sights on most matches.  

Check out the monthly information for each shoot which will include any specific equipment needs and round count for ammunition needed.  Generally bring holsters and magazine pouches for the match.  With no firearms transitions, this can be a good step for shooters looking to get into action gunning sports including 3-gun.


We require all shooters to pre-register for these matches since we have limited space.  The cost for this shoot is $5 for members $10 for guests.

Contact Rick Reitz for more details

Golf Ball Shoot

This shoot takes place in the Indoor range, usually on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. We shoot two relays consisting of 50 rounds each of .22 long rifle using pistols or rifles as prescribed by the match director each month. Open sights can be used, but most shooters use red dot optics. Eight minutes is allowed for the 50 shots.

The targets consist of 10 golf balls and 4 tennis balls. These targets are hung from a piece of wire that allows the golf/tennis balls to be shot off when hit. If the shooter hits all the balls, then he/she moves on to a paper target.

It’s lots of fun to see the golf balls depart the wires and bounce around. It’s good practice and a great way to improve your shooting skills.  The fee for this shoot is $5 for members and $10 for guests.

Multi-Gun Match

This match blends elements from Steel Challenge, 3 Gun, and Defensive Gunning using multiple firearms including Centerfire Rifles, Pistol Caliber Carbines, and Handguns, occasionally .22 Rimfire Rifles, .22 Rimfire Pistols, or Shotguns will be substituted. Some limited movement and shooting around barriers can be expected but this is not a “Run & Gun”.  Scoring will be based on a combination of time and accuracy, targets and distances may vary depending on weather conditions or firearms being used. The match is held on the Short Range on the 1st Saturday of the month, check the calendar notes each month for updates on firearms and ammo requirements. The cost is $5 for members and $10 for guests.

Contact Ron Sohn for details: 503-507-5894 (leave a message).

Black Powder 

A congenial group of men, women, & youngsters who enjoy shooting muzzle loading guns, historical re-creation, hunting, camping & sharing their interests in pre-1840 frontier skills, which built America.  We have an open and friendly shoot on the second Saturday of each month, usually at 0930 in lower range, with exceptions of our May and July off site shoots located on property near the power lines on Rock Creek rd. in Gates Oregon (Muzzle loaders only, naturally).

If you are interested in shooting black powder, Muzzle Loading Rifles, Pistols, shotguns, Buck-skinning, and or Rendezvousing, or you would just like to know what they are all about, please contact: Kathy “Sweetie Pie” Keller 503 881-7055, Larry “Eagle Keeper” Keller 503 881-8855,  or Jim Miller 503 937-9113. The cost is $5 for members and $10 for guests.

Contact Larry Keller for more details

Black Powder Cartridge 

This shoot differs from black powder in that this event is not for muzzle loading rifles but for ones that accept cartridges using black power loads.  Contact Jim for additional details.

Contact James Iremonger for more details.

Clays Shoots

During spring, summer and early fall with good weather, the club hosts two or more clays shoots each month.  These shoots bring a mixture of the elements of sporting clays, trap, skeet and five stand to challenge shooters.  The shoot is held on the lower range.  Shooters must use lead shot (no steel) of sizes between 7 1/2 to 9.  These events are great practice for bird hunting.  Between 50 and 75 shells are needed for each shoot.  The cost for the shoots is a minimum of $6 for members and $10 for guests to cover the cost of the clays.  

Old Timers

Join some of our seasoned club members for a morning of coffee, donuts and possibly even some shooting.  The group meets in the short range on the third Wednesday of the month.  Bring whatever you would like to shoot

Pistol Team

The Four Corners Pistol Team shoots against other teams around the Willamette Valley.  Shooter use .22 rimfire handguns in a more traditional shooting style.  Members of the team often practice on the third Thursday evening during the season (the range remains open to members during their practice). 

For more information about the team please contact Bob Chambers for more details.

Night Shoot

This shoot will focus on using a defensive pistol in a defensive gunning match set-up. We require all shooters to pre-register for these matches since space is limited. The cost is $5 for members, $10 for shooter's guest.   

Please contact Rick Reitz at 503-580-8086 for more details.