October 2023 WRL Muzzleloading Rifle Shoot
October 24, 2023

By Eagle Keeper
We had 5 shooters for our new time of 0900-rifle match. This month everyone had something they wanted to work on with their rifles; ignition issues, sights and loads, so we had each shooter pick any paper target they wanted from the shack, and then gave everyone until 1100 to make their best 3 shots at 50 yards. Everyone had a blast, most gained confidence for November’s Meat shoot that has string cuts and the Schutzen.
I think we might do the same thing, best of three off the bench in December but at 100 yards.
Jim Miller 29-1X
Eagle Keeper 29
Bo 28
Donn 27
Nick 25
Katie brought chili for lunch and EZ Orchards farm store donated donuts and cider; we will also be raffling a single shot muzzleloading shotgun to be drawn for during the Bull of the Woods shoot on the second Saturday in April. Tickets will be sold each month during our Saturday shoot.
November 11th is our Annual Meat shoot, please RSVP by the 7th of November
(text or call Katie 503 881-7055 or email) so we can purchase the right amount of meat prizes.
Our Hawk and knife block is set and ready for use, so we will be throwing a short match each month for practice and bragging rights.
Katie will bring her delicious Chili for lunch after the shoot, feel free to bring something to go with it.