Limpy’s memorial Meat Shoot Report
December 19, 2023

November 11, 2023
We had 7 shooters for our Limpy’s memorial Meat Shoot.
Historically we would shoot a short trail for score, then shoot the Schutzen and finish with string cuts. This year we did away with the trail and the $1.00 per ticket to shoot at the Schutzen and strings and just had fun blasting away at our novelty targets. We limited each person to 1 string and 1 part of the Schutzen, and I loaded my rifle and let the last couple of shooters shoot it to speed up the last couple of string cuts. We all had a real blast and were done shooting by 1100. Katie brought a pot of Chicken soup for lunch and Donn Scott brought bar cookies for dessert.
We will also be raffling a single shot shotgun to be drawn for during the Bull of the Woods shoot in April. Tickets will be sold each month during our Saturday shoot.
Our Hawk and knife block is set and ready for use, we will be throwing a short match each month for tune-ups and practice
Black Powder Cartridge rifle match at Four Corners is held at 0900 every 1st Saturday of the month
Black powder cartridge Match director James Iremonger 503-364-7958
November Cartridge match scores
1st Jim Iremonger 289, 2nd Jim Miller 247, 3rd Mike Lulay 169, 4th Bo Miller 168